Autumnwillow Knight “Danny”, imported from England in 2019, is a gorgeous, very light yellow colored male with a big blocky head, the perfect “stamp” of British Labrador classic conformation. His personality is friendly and focused with extreme loyalty. He is all about pleasing the handler. Afield he is fast, bold in cover as well as in water, with exceptional game finding abilities.
Danny was on a picking team for estate shoots in the UK with other Labradors and British Cockers gaining vast experience in game recovery while working with other dogs afield. He has quite an impressive pedigree with many wellknown, distinguished Labradors such as FTCh Waterford Fergus, FTCh Waterford Chrism, FTCh Willowyck Ruff, FTCh Flashmount Socrates (sire of Drake the original Ducks Unlimited mascot), and FTCh Craighorn Bracken, winner of the 2001 IGL British Championship (grandsire of Deke, DU’s second mascot).
Danny has earned his placement with the Wildrose demonstration “pack” for our on-the-road shows and events. Danny also joins our hunting teams as a primary gundog on the annual North Dakota pheasant hunts, quail wingshooting excursions and waterfowl venues throughout the seasons. A true versatile Gentleman’s Gundog.