Mississippi Sires

FTCH Ardnore Oscar “Benji”


FTW Spireview Captain “Captain” (Oxford)Weight 59 lbs - Profile - PedigreeCaptain has the style, temperament and game finding ability of a true British Gundog. These fine characteristics combined with impeccable handling make him an invaluable companion afield.

FTW Spireview Captain “Captain”

Weight 62 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Captain has the style, temperament and game finding ability of a true British Gundog. These fine characteristics combined with impeccable handling make him an invaluable companion afield.

HRCH “Hunting Retriever Champion,” Wildrose Master Chief, “Chief”

Weight 62 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Chief is a heritage dog born at Wildrose, the son of Intl FTW Turning Teal “Widgeon.” Widgeon held field trial awards in two countries achieved separately under the British and Irish Kennel Clubs. Chief is UKC and AKC registered, holds several hunting titles, and has picked over 10,000 birds, having hunted widely over the US and Canada. Solid in all field skill sets, Chief handles well, and is companionable in the home.


HR Wildrose Cruisin for a Bruisin JH, “Cruise”

Weight 62 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

HR Wildrose Cruisin for a Bruisin JH “Cruise” embodies a Wildrose Heritage dog with titles and hunts to match. The offspring of sire FTW Copperbirch Kite of Astraglen, “Murphy” and dam Greenbriar Adelaide, “Stella,” Cruise shares classic British Labrador physical characteristics with his parents.

Autumnwillow Knight, “Danny” (Oxford)

Weight 70 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Autumnwillow Knight “Danny”, imported from England in 2019, is a gorgeous, very light yellow colored male with a big blocky head, the perfect “stamp” of British Labrador classic conformation.

Wildrose Augustus of Oakhurst, “Gus B”

Weight 61 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Gus is the son of Wildrose Deke the Ducks Unlimited Dog. His grandfather was FTCh Gusty Garry, “Kane.” Kane earned his British Field Trial Champion title and qualified for the ’05 British Retriever Championship by winning the Scottish Gundog Association’s two-day Open Qualifier. Kane was one of 48 dogs in the UK to qualify.


Wildrose Aithness Allie, “Mattis” (Oxford)

Weight 62 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Mattis is a true Wildrose Heritage Dog born and raised at the Wildrose Training Facility in Oxford, Mississippi by Tom Smith. His pedigree includes a second-generation Wildrose Labrador on his sire side and third generation Wildrose Labrador on his dam side with maternal grand sire (Wildrose) Big Red.

His sire, Aithness Allie (Wildrose Hamish) was a dog known for his incredible game finding ability and Mattis inherited his drive and scenting abilities.

FTW Silversnipe Red River “River” (Oxford)

Weight 63 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

River is a dark fox red with golden eyes and a demeanor that impresses everyone he meets. His personality is in keeping with the high standards Wildrose expects when thinking of British Labradors: calm and steady, incredible marking skills and an ease of handle that makes you feel like you are driving a Ferrari. 

FTW Jocksburn General Roy of Wedgnock “Ronnie”

Weight 62 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Ronnie’s handling, whether short or long distance, is unparalleled, with crisp stops to the whistle and straight casts. When in the house, blind or riding in the ATV, you do not even know Ronnie is there. He is so steady and quiet.


Wildrose Excalibur’s Shadow “Shadow”

Weight 58 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

With a Wildrose pedigree stacked high of foundational sires, Wildrose Shadow has the unmatched temperament and drive to match his good looks.

Tanyrhallt Teddy of Artistryn, “Teddy” (Oxford)

Weight 68 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Teddy has proven himself to be a fantastic dog afield. He excelled in extreme cold temperatures and fast moving water on the North Platte River while adapting to a very unique dog hide setup that had him underground with his head sticking out. He has incredible marking ability and makes his retrieves with drive and style.


Texas Sires

FTCh Dunjailin Rocky Rogue of Westerkames, “Diesel”

Weight 75lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Diesel is impressive to watch work, his power strength and passion in conjunction with the complete control, handling him is exciting to witness.

Wildrose Mojo, “Mojo” - Profile - Pedigree

Through intentional breeding with stringent health and behavioral criteria Mojo continues the tradition of being an exemplary Gentleman’s Gundog.

FTW Ffynongain Celt, “Otto”

Weight 59 lbs - Profile - Pedigree

Otto qualified for the British Championship by winning the Fermanagh Gundog Club Two-Day Open Stake for 24 AV Retrievers, at just 2.5 years old. This stake was graciously held on the Corrard Estate, which has previously hosted the Irish Championship, proving to be a great test of driven and walkup game.

Wildrose Wyatt, “Wyatt” - Profile - Pedigree

He has been extremely calm for a what many expect out of a Gundog puppy, paired with his strong desire to please and high intelligence, Wyatt is an outstanding example of what we aim to produce from the Wildrose Puppy Program.

Carolinas Sires

(Carolinas) FTW Liskoney Duke, “Bruce” - Profile - Pedigree

FTW Liskoney Duke “Bruce” is sired by FTCH Waysgreen Apollo. He was imported in 2018. Bruce is steady as a rock in all areas and his game finding ability is excellent.

(Carolinas) Wildrose Gamble, “Gamble” - Profile - Pedigree

Wildrose Gamble is a darker colored fox red sired by Kathmandu Big Red of Donian “Big Red.” Gamble is what we refer to as a heritage dog.