Gus is the son of Wildrose Deke, the Ducks Unlimited Mascot. His grandfather was FTCh Gusty Garry, “Kane,” who earned his British Field Trial Champion title and qualified for the ‘05 British Retriever Championship by winning the Scottish Gundog Association’s two-day Open Qualifier.
Gus is a third-generation, Wildrose Heritage Dog, a product of our own progeny and training methodology. Our exceptional heritage dogs afford genetic predictability with desirable qualities, each field-proven and passed on through succeeding generations. Gus was completely trained by his owner, the first dog she ever trained, following the “Wildrose Way” training methodology.
Gus is a Registered Therapy Dog with a Complex Rating, the maximum level of the two ratings and earned Master Trekker, which is the highest achievement of the Wildrose Adventure Dog Certification Program. He won the Wildrose Double Gun Retriever Classic in 2018, just shy of his 3rd birthday. He also won the Wildrose Bahama Coconut Retriever Championship in 2018, 2019, and 2020, and he completed the U.S. Canine Biathlon in May 2019.
Gus has hunted waterfowl from the Mississippi Delta, north to Alberta, Canada, and west to the Madison River in Montana. He has upland hunted from Mississippi, north to North Dakota and west to Kansas.
Gus’ love of water is extraordinary, never hesitating to hit the water for a retrieve, from the waves of the Atlantic off the Bahama coast to the freezing temperatures of the Madison River in Montana. He is a very strong swimmer, even in the rapids of Colorado, and is very high-energy when working, yet perfect in the home where he will stay on place for hours. As a two-time winner of the Wildrose Bahama Coconut Retriever Championship, Gus easily demonstrated his speed to retrieve and delivery to hand.
Gus has a very strong desire to please the handler and is a perfect traveling companion.