Remus is another true Wildrose heritage dog. His sire FTW Blackharn Bob was a hard-charging retriever known for his lining and game-finding ability. He was awarded the “Top Dog” in 2004 when he was a member of the first US Gundog team to compete in the UK, which the US won. Bob’s sire and dam were both multiple-time qualifiers for the British Championship. Remus’ dam side is just as impressive with multiple FTCh and FTW winning dogs.
Remus has inherited his sire’s drive and style with a bold water entry. He is friendly and loves to be around people.
Standing tall at 60lbs with a broad chest and stature he is not afraid of anything and will bust through any cover to make the retrieve. He has been a great addition to our sires and continues the Wildrose heritage for the next generation of The Pack.