FTW Silversnipe Red River “River”

River is a dark fox red with golden eyes and a demeanor that impresses everyone he meets. He was imported from Scotland in February of 2023 and fit in with “The Boys” immediately. His personality is in keeping with the high standards Wildrose expects when thinking of British Labradors: calm and steady, incredible marking skills and an ease of handle that makes you feel like you are driving a Ferrari.
River is a Scottish Field Trial Winner (FTW) who is just as happy on his dog bed in the home with kids as he is retrieving pheasants out West. Running the trial circuit in the UK and picking up at estate shoots has given him immense experience with game recovery. He has a bold water entry and handles with precision on the water. His pedigree includes some legendary sires that have consistently produced amazing dogs. IFTCh Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood won the 2016 British Championship, FTCh Copperbirch Paddy of Leadburn, and FTCh The Caper Countess.
River joined the Wildrose on the road Demonstration Team within a month of arrival and continues to amaze us with his abilities. We look forward to him chasing ducks, pheasants, and quail in the field. He epitomizes what we describe as the dog of duality with his versatility and impressive skillsets.